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An essential condition of prayer is to know the One to whom we address ourselves.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Home WHAT’S NEW Bro. Eddy in the Philippines

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Bro. Eddy in the PhilippinesI want to take a moment and wish you a Merry Christmas, I only hope that our new born King brings us peace in our hearts. This world really needs his redemption we also need to renew our ways of living and the way we are caring for the creation.

This Christmas indeed is going to be very different for me being so far from my family and friends, but reflecting in these moments I discovered that, is not a gift, is not people, is not confort the reason for Christmas. It goes beyond that, it is to know that someone knows us, and loved us way before we were formed in the womb of our mother. The real reason for us to celebrate Christmas is the Baby Jesus, lets go back to him. It is not easy to be faithful but the only way to do it is trying.

The other day I was walking on the streets and a boy of around 9 years came to me, and all of a sudden he got on his knees and started to clean my shoes. I felt so bad and soon enough I told him, please don't do that there is no need. I took his skinny arm and help him to got up. Unfortunately I had only few coins with me. I did not hesitate to give him what I had. But as I saw this kid desapiring into the distance smiling at me. I could not contained myself and started to cry. This was a hard moment for me but a blessing at the same time, this kid show me that there is nothing more precious than life. The probabilities of this kid to succeed in life are very low, I did not change his life with few coins but he brought for me a moment into heaven.

Brian with childrenI invite you this Christmas (or any occasion if you can) to approach any kid on the streets in any country you live and share with him/her anything you have I assured you that will be like you are doing this for our new born King. He is the reason for the celebration of Christmas, and he still with us in the EUCHARIST.


Bro. Eddy Gonzalez, A.A.

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