Miami was the site of a recent fall retreat for a Young Adult Group called Regina Coeli. Fr. Claude Grenache, A.A., from the Assumptionist Center in Brighton, was their spiritual guide for the weekend.
This was the second time that Assumptionist presence reached out to these faith-filled young people in the Miami area. Last summer several of them came north to visit the congregation's communities in Brighton, Worcester and Sturbridge.
As these young women and men expressed an interest in becoming a Lay Assumptionist group, Fr. Claude focused on the life and spirituality of Fr. d'Alzon and El Camino Vida (The "Way of Life" for Lay Assumptionists.) Their leadership expressed the desire of the group to deepen this relationship with the congregation, " that we can also say along with the rest of the Assumptionist Family, 'ADVENIAT REGNUM TUUM'!