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An essential condition of prayer is to know the One to whom we address ourselves.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Home WHAT’S NEW Newsnotes from the International Formation Session of the Assumption Family

Newsnotes from the International Formation Session of the Assumption Family PDF Print E-mail

Fr. Jacob Welikha (Kenya) and Br. Alejandro Godoy (Ecuador), session participantsNairobi, Kenya

The first three days of our session have been a remarkably enriching experience, with many opportunities to get to know each other, to pray together, and, of course, to work together.

Each of the five congregations of the Assumption Family has shared the key features of the origins of its congregation and its specific charism. Religious of the Assumption, Augustinians of the Assumption, Oblates of Assumption, Little Sisters of the Assumption, and Orants of the Assumption ---- such a wealth of common history and shared zeal for the Kingdom of God and the transformation of society. Although we had read about each congregation for the session, the history has come to life through the presentations, discussions, and, perhaps above all, through the personal encounters of these days.

Fr. Eric Samson (France) and other participantsWe've also taken time to share how our congregations helped one another, in ways varying from providing spiritual direction, to caring for the sick during an epidemic, to making the first habits and taking the first photos! All of this has brought home to us the blessing of belonging to the Assumption Family an d a desire both to deepen our identity as  a spiritual family and to ensure that we transmit this to those in formation. We've also made solid foundations for the work of the coming days, as we move from considering our origins in the 19th century to reflecting on our role as formators in the 21st century. It's a challenging task but we have the faith of or founders and foundresses to encourage and inspire us!

On behalf of the Communications Team,
Cathryn, R.A.

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