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Home WHAT’S NEW Official Launch of St. Charles Lwanga Parish in KYABAKKADE (Uganda)

Official Launch of St. Charles Lwanga Parish in KYABAKKADE (Uganda) PDF Print E-mail

St. Charles Lwanga Church and parish hallBy Fr. François Kambale Nzanzu, AA
September 2014

Assumption is spreading its wings as the Congregation officially assumes responsibility for the new parish of St. Charles Lwanga in KYABAKKADE, Uganda, some 25 kilometers from the capital city, Kampala.

« My sons, spread your wings » !

As I write this article, after my brief stay in Kyabakkade, a week after the official launch of this parish dedicated to St. Charles Lwanga, I can hear inside of me this invitation of our founder, "My sons, spread your wings ».

St. Charles Lwanga Parish in Kyabakkade in the diocese of Lugazi wasofficially consecrated on Sunday, August 31, by his Excellence Cyprian KIZITO LWANGA, Archbishop of Kampala, and its supervision has been entrusted to the Assumptionists.

Archbishop Cyprian Kizito Lwanga

Two founders of the new community in Uganda, Frs. Pierre Kasereka Kisangani and Gilbert Paluku Maghese, were sent two years ago to get a feel for their new mission and learn the language. Since their arrival they have taken Fr. d'Alzon's advice to heart and have been working like four. They are now fluent in the local language, Luganda, and have become so comfortable that Luganda has become their language of choice. This decision has already endeared them to their parishioners and other neighbors.


Map of Uganda, diocese of Lugazi to the east of Kampala on the way to Jinja

Fr. Pierre, the pastor, was quick to thank all those responsible for the enormous efforts undertaken so far in the construction of the parish church and hall. He urged all to continue their efforts to finish this good work and provide the interior furnishings still needed (so that, for example, parishioners will no longer be required to bring their own chairs for services!!). In a particular way he expressed his appreciation to Archbishop KIZITO LWANGA, a native of the parish, for his considerable assistance in the work and the confidence he has placed in the Assumptionists.

May the Lord watch over this new foundation and the future of the Assumption throughout the world. Thy Kingdom Come!

Last Updated on Sunday, 09 November 2014 03:05
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