Augustinians of the Assumption

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An essential condition of prayer is to know the One to whom we address ourselves.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Fr. Juan Carlos Cisterna, provincial, blesses the four newly professed Assumptionists

On Saturday, March 29, 2014, in the basilica of Our Lady of Lourdes, in Santiago, Chile, four young men publicly pronounced their final vows as Augustinians of the Assumption/Assumptionists:

Roger Kambere Musungira was born on November 19, 1980 in Luofu, Democratic Republic of the Congo. He arrived in Chile a Little over two years ago for a missionary experience. He is currently undertaking his theological training at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He lives with two of the other newly professed, Bakanja and José Luis, at the house of formation in a blue-collar neighborhood of Santiago named after Robert Kennedy.

Isidore Bakanja Katembo Kasondoli Sihaya was born in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in Ndoluma, on August 12, 1982. He arrived in Chile with Br. Roger and is also studying theology at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

José Luis Lata Rivera, a native of Riobamba, Ecuador, began his Assumptionist community life in 2004. Born on February 12, 1977, he arrived in Chile in 2006. He has already completed his seminary training and is currently a member of the formation team, responsible for postulants. He is also doing a master’s degree in psycho-spiritual direction at the Universidad Alberto Hurtado.

Br. Jorge Rojas Garcés, left, and Br. Jose Luis Lata, right

Jorge Eduardo Rojas Garcés came to know the Assumptionists as a member of the youth ministry program at the parish and shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in Santiago. He was born in the Chilean capital on August 9, 1979. Currently he is living in the Assumptionist community in Rengo, Chile, about an hour south of Santiago where he is chaplain and religion teacher at two high schools. He is also in the process of obtaining a master’s degree in education. In the parish he is in charge of youth ministry.

Br. Isidore Bakanja, left, and Br. Roger, right

During his homily, Fr. Juan Carlos Cisterna, the provincial of Andean Province (Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Ecuador), commented:

“Consecrating one’s life does not mean consecrating oneself to a life without meaning. Not knowing the real goal of your commitment would indeed be a tragedy. That goal is nothing other than love itself – a love best defined as putting on the mind of Christ and setting out on mission with companions who are both your brothers and sisters.

Fr. Juan Carlos continued:

“This morning I invite you as your brother to focus your attention on our Rule of Life and recall the teachings of our founder concerning the coming of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ in us and around us. This goes to the heart of what we are all about”.

There was a large crowd gathered in the basilica to attend this ceremony --- friends family members, and lay Assumptionists. Typical of an Assumptionist was the diversity of those present, from so many countries: the Congo (Africa), Ecuador, Mexico, Argentina, Italy, France, Spain, Peru, and Colombia. It was truly an international celebration.

A fifth Assumptionist, a Chilean, Br. Alejandro Godoy, pronounced his final vows on April 5 in Riobamba, Ecuador where he is currently serving as missionary. Br. Alejandro is completing his theology and is in charge both of vocation ministry and youth ministry.

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