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An essential condition of prayer is to know the One to whom we address ourselves.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Home WHAT’S NEW Hard work pays off

Hard work pays off PDF Print E-mail

Congratulation, Bro Christian!For the last one and half year, Bro Cristian Santana (from the Chile-Argentine Province) has been one of us in this territory (US). He first came for his Novitiate Year which ended on August 6, 2013, the day when he made his first profession in the Assumption. Then, he was interested in improving his English. So, instead of returning to Chile after his profession, Bro Cristian stayed on and enrolled in an English class at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA.

Well, this class is now winding down. But before that, students were tested on their new learned knowledge. This test included, but not limited to, English grammar, spoken English, written English. And in all these areas, Bro Cristian did well, so well that he won the first prize for the course. Congratulation, Bro Christian! Of what is consisted this prize, you may ask?  Well, the prize is a financial aid (scholarship) which would allow the recipient to attend an English class at the next level.

Hard work pays off. We hear this every day. But at times, we do not pay attention to the words and the motivation they invoke. For Bro Cristian, this is true and we want to congratulate him for his hard and assiduous work.

Unfortunately, Bro Cristian cannot stay since he has already enrolled in a number of classes in Chile where he is going to continue for theological formation. And his Provincial wants him down there. Since the prize he won is not transferable, he will have to turn his back to it only to savor the memory of having attended an English class at an Ivy League university and having left a good impression. Note that Bro Cristian was also taking an introductory class to Greek at the same time at the same school.

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