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Magdalene, sinner, knew forgiveness when she began to love.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Home WHO WE ARE Assumptionists Profiles Fr. PETER PRECOURT, A.A.



Interviewer – Would you share with us some of your family’s background and your early education?

Fr. Peter Precourt, A.A. – I am one of six children, one girl and five boys from Taunton, MA where our family’s roots were French Canadian. We belonged to St. Jacques Parish and went to the parish school. Our first language at home and in school was French. I had an uncle who was a Dominican and taught science at Providence College in Rhode Island.

– How did you come to know the Assumptionists?

– When it came time for high school, my siblings went to Coyle and Cassidy High School in Taunton. With the encouragement and support of our pastor, who knew that I wanted to be a priest, I went to Assumption Prep for my freshman year before going to Our Lady of Lourdes Seminary in Cassadaga, NY. After two years of philosophy at Assumption College, I entered the community and began my novitiate in Saugerties, NY. It was during that time that the community made the transition to Dedham, MA. From there, I moved to Pine Road, Brookline, MA to do theological studies at Weston Jesuit School of Theology in Cambridge, MA, from which I graduated in 1973.

– Where did your studies and ministerial assignments take you from there?

– I went to study for my M.Div. in Pastoral Counseling at Andover Newton School of Theology, also in Cambridge, graduating in 1976. In the same year, I was ordained to the diaconate and the priesthood. In preparing for these most significant moments in my life, I resonated with Psalm 42 and most especially with “Deep calls unto deep…” which was the theme for each celebration.

In 1975, while still studying, I worked with Fr. Donald Espinosa, A.A. and Fr. Roger Corriveau, A.A. on the Campus Ministry Team at the college. In my fourth year I was made Dean of Students, a position I held for six years.

In 1986, when Fr. Richard Lamoureux, A.A. was Provincial, I was asked to serve as Director of Formation and Master of Novices, when after some preparation, I was responsible for two novices.

After the second year of this assignment, I was asked to go to Our Lady of Guadalupe on 14th ST. in NYC, where I would spend the next ten years.

My hope in earlier years and with intense preparation in Spanish was to be assigned to Mexico but because of health reasons, I never realized that dream.

From NY, I went to Rhode Island with Fr. Phil Bonvouloir, A.A. and Bro. Richard Gagnon, A.A. for two years, followed by three years at Emmanuel House with our vocation community.

– When did you return to parish ministry?

– On Sunday, August 14, 2005, I was installed as Pastor of St. Anne - Patrick’s Parish in Sturbridge, MA, where the thirty-five acre property is also the home of the Shrine of St. Anne.

– Do you have any hobbies?

– Yes, photography is my favorite hobby. Many of my photos have been framed and are available in our Gift Shop.

– Do you have a particular happy memory to share?

– Yes, I was fortunate to be able to spend a summer at our house in Jerusalem, some years ago. Those months were a special blessing in my life.

– What is your vision and hope for the future of the Church and/or congregation?

– My vision and hope for the future of the Church and specifically the parish, is to see the growth of intergenerational catechesis and faith formation as a life long journey. There are many ways in which this can be realized: through structured age appropriate instruction, days of recollection, overnight retreats etc. For our congregation here in MA, I would like to see the parish, our retired priests and the college community collaborate in providing opportunities for spiritual growth which would further the mission of both the congregation and the Church.

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