Augustinians of the Assumption

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In prayer we speak with God and God speaks with us.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Home WHO WE ARE Mission and Spirituality Rule of Life - Chapter 1

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1. Assumptionists, we are religious who live in apostolic community. Faithful to our founder, Fr. d’Alzon, we choose as our prime objective to work, out of love for Jesus Christ, for the coming of the Reign of God in ourselves and around us.

2. Jesus Christ is at the center of our life. We commit ourselves to following Him in faith, hope and charity. Like Him, witness of the Father’s love and bound in solidarity with his fellow-men, the Assumptionist seeks to be a man of faith and a man of his time.

3. Christ is the one who gathers us together. We live in community according to the spirit of Saint Augustine: Live in a household of perfect harmony, having but one heart and one mind intent on God. (Rule of Saint Augustine, 1, 2) We strive to lead a fraternal life which is characterized by frankness, cordiality and simplicity.
Our common prayer is that of the Church. Through it, the community celebrates its faith and opens itself to the Spirit for its mission.

4. The Assumptionist community exists for the coming of the Kingdom. The spirit of the founder impels us to embrace the great causes of God and of man, to go wherever God is threatened in man and man threatened as image of God. We must display daring, initiative and disinterestedness, in fidelity to the teaching and the orientations of the Church. That is our way of sharing in her life and mission.

5. Faithful to the will of Fr. d’Alzon, our communities are at the service of truth, of unity and charity. Thus they herald the Kingdom.

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