Augustinians of the Assumption

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Home WHO WE ARE Mission and Spirituality Rule of Life - Chapter 3

Rule of Life - Chapter 3 PDF Print E-mail

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.
Matt. 28:19

13. The apostolate of our Congregation places our communities at the heart of the Church's mission: to gather all into the People of God.
Our motto: Thy Kingdom Come inspires us to work for the coming of Christ's Reign in us and in the world.
Just as the Father sent Him, so Christ sends us, with the promise of his Spirit, to serve our brothers and proclaim the Gospel.

14. Our communities wish to share the joys and the hopes, the sorrows and the anxieties of the men of our time, especially of the poor and of all those who hunger and thirst for justice. (Matt. 5:6.)
In solidarity with their aspirations and their struggles, we participate in the building of a world which is more just and more fraternal.

15. We choose, within the possibilities of our resources, those commitments that effectively respond to the needs of today and to the spirit of Assumption.

16. We work to build up the Church by proclaiming Jesus Christ. We give priority to education in the faith, to training responsible lay people, to awaken-ing and affirming Christian vocations, particularly religious and priestly vocations.
The proclamation of Jesus Christ is inseparable from the promotion of the whole person in justice, love and unity.
All our undertakings will be quickened by a doctrinal, social and ecumenical spirit.

17. We are determined to remain faithful to the broad orientations of the Church, in communion with the Pope, the College of Bishops and the local Church. With frankness and disinterestedness, we collaborate with all those who are involved in the work of evangelization.

18. From the very beginning, our apostolate has taken on various forms, in particular: teaching understood in the broadest sense of the word, study, communications media, pilgrimages, ecumenism, parish ministry, organizations for the lay apostolate, social work, service to the younger Churches....
In response to Assumption's distinctive vocation, we must never cease to keep ourselves available and ready to do new things.

19. The community, by the quality of its life and work, bears witness to the Good News.
Healthy or ill, young or old, we share this apostolic mission with our brothers, each according to his vocation and situation.

20. Our missionary vocation calls us to become all things to all men. This availability requires of us:
—an openness of mind and heart to the cultural, social and religious values of people from various backgrounds;
—a willingness to receive as well as to give, based on mutual esteem and respect;
—a concern for formation, competence and adaptation;
—an effort toward initiative and inventiveness;
—zeal, dedication to work, frankness and daring.

21. On a regular basis, we will evaluate the quality of our apostolic service and we will review the choices and adaptations that we might have to make.
Personal preferences and aptitudes will be taken into account but they must always be weighed
against the orientations and priorities of our communities as well as the needs of the Institute.

22. Our personal and community prayer welcomes and celebrates God's action in the lives of men. In that prayer, we beg his forgiveness for our refusals to answer the promptings of the Spirit; we enkindle our hope of becoming Christ's witnesses until He comes.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 22 March 2006 07:10
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