:: Quote of the Day :: |
What is adoration? It is the recognition of the reign of God over all creatures, and over us. - Emmanuel d'Alzon
A Word from the Postulator
We are all called to become saints. That is the vocation of every baptized Christian. It is baptism that truly makes us saints, because it grants us the grace to become children of God. It gives us the power to participate in his divinity; we become heirs of eternal life. This is a totally free gift from God, that does not depend on our meriting it. It is like the imprint of the holiness of God himself inscribed in our being, and it is also like a seed that must be tended and made to grow within us. This is the teaching of the Second Vatican Council in the beautiful pages it presents on holiness (we reprint here a few of those paragraphs). We know how much Fr. d’Alzon loved to recall the date of his baptism. For him it was the real date of his birth, because on that day his journey toward holiness began. We also know how much he insisted that his own disciples and directees become saints. For him, the true Model of all holiness is Jesus Christ. But he also said that the Virgin Mary is a model closer to us....as are the saints. May Fr. d’Alzon be for us today a model of holiness close at hand. In him we have so many virtues to imitate!
Fr. Julio Navarro Román, A.A.
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