Augustinians of the Assumption

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An essential condition of prayer is to know the One to whom we address ourselves.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Signs of God N. 13

A Word of the Postulator

Pope Francis has declared the year 2015 « the Year of the Consecrated Life ». So I thought it would be a good opportunity to reflect on the personal testimony and teaching that Fr. d’Alzon gives us with regard to religious life. The way in which he lived the vows and the virtues of poverty, chastity, and obedience is also a sign of his holiness. His teaching on these virtues speaks to all the baptized, because it is the teaching of Jesus Christ himself. Let’s begin with poverty. It makes no sense in Fr. d’Alzon’s mind unless it is the imitation of Jesus’ poverty, an identification with this radical option of the Son of God, born poor in a manger, working years in Nazaareth by the sweat of his brow, having nowhere to lay his head during the years of his ministry, embracing the poor of his people, and dying on a cross in an act that represented the absolute pouring out of himself. Gospel poverty is linked to the virtue of hope, the act of placing all one’s heart in God alone. The fruits of such virtue are interior freedom and joy. Poverty, chosen as an option for the Kingdom, can become a remarkably effective means of evangelization in our world. The poor will have a place of privilege in the heart of the one who makes himself poor out of love for Jesus Christ.

Fr. Julio Navarro Román

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Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 February 2015 11:51
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