Augustinians of the Assumption

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The Church needs prayer as much as apostolic zeal.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Home WHO WE ARE History Cassadaga Seminary Students List of Students - 1964


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List of Students - 1964 PDF Print E-mail


Class Last Name First Name

1964 Ambrose Francis
1964 Bousquet David
1964 Caron James
1964 Carr Robert
1964 Colombo Joseph
1964 Daignault Peter
1964 Eberle Thomas
1964 Ferron Paul
1964 Gaulin Albert
1964 Gaydos David
1964 Haines Neil
1964 Jalbert Robert
1964 LaFleche Paul
1964 Landry Paul
1964 LaNeve David
1964 Lataille Edward
1964 Lennon William
1964 Leone Matthew
1964 Longto Vincent
1964 Luczak Robert
1964 Malley James
1964 Mandler Jean Paul
1964 McCarthy Jeffrey
1964 Mullen John
1964 Novak Eugene
1964 Pelletier Bertrand
1964 Peralta Rafael
1964 Poletonow Richard
1964 Pysh Theodore
1964 Ravenelle Richard
1964 Rohanna Llyod
1964 Spinelli Lawrence
1964 St Germain Anthony
1964 Sutherland David
1964 Waruszewski William
1964 Yacavace David
1964 Youdelle Harry


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