Augustinians of the Assumption

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Education is the formation of Jesus Christ in souls, and teaching is the illumination of souls with the splendor of Jesus Christ.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Home WHAT’S NEW Reflections Reflections over Morning Coffee Why me? Why the Assumptionists?

Why me? Why the Assumptionists? PDF Print E-mail

By Pat Haggerty

For the past several years, I have been integrally involved with the Assumptionist Newsletter based out of Brighton, Massachusetts.  I have loved writing for and musing about the Assumptionist community here in the United States.  Much of what I have done deals with telling the stories of some of the devoted Assumptionist clergy.  I have also recounted events taking place at St. Anne-St. Patrick in Fiskdale, MA.  This is a long-standing Assumptionist parish in Central Massachusetts, which I have been a part of for over 35 years.

Most recently, I have had a re-occurring thought—why don’t I write a blog?  I think I have some thoughts to share, and I would like to spread the word of the Assumption charism, which has affected me so deeply.  As a former English teacher, I have always loved to write.  Not only that, but I understand the importance of reflection in one’s life.

Does that qualify me to write a blog?  I’m not sure!  I have the zeal; I think I have the know-how.  Now I just need readers.  Would folks be willing to read what I have to say?  Would they like to start a conversation about some of the things that concern them as Christians and Catholics?  Would they like to respond to my queries and my concerns?

Like the Nike ads that say, “just do it!”  That is what I am about to do.  No more ruminating, no more stalling, no more second-guessing.  I am just going to pray for guidance—and get going.

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