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Home WHAT’S NEW Reflections Reflections over Morning Coffee REFLECTION - A MOTHER'S GIFTS AND ST. TERESA OF CALCUTTA


Pat HaggertyBy Pat Haggerty

My Mom passed away a little over a year ago.  I miss her just as much now as then---perhaps even more.  I have been wondering why that is so.  I think it is because, over time, I have been able to dwell on the precious gifts she left me and my family.  I always knew she had these gifts, but I should have told her how much they were valued.  I think she knows!

She had a tremendous faith in God and she exemplified that through all of her interactions.  She didn’t speak ill of others, and she always tried to bring out the best in people.  We used to joke that she could talk to anyone whether she had known them for fifty years or had just met them.

My Mother was in the habit of writing notes, and I mean copious notes!  My sisters and I were amazed at finding numerous journals and diaries throughout her house.  We also found hundreds of notes tucked into books she had read.  They were either synopses of things she had just read or quotes from the text.  She also kept lists of things to do, ways to organize her life, and books she wanted to read.

As I was preparing to write her eulogy, I was looking for a little inspiration or something to center me.  I found it in her copy of Illuminata by Marianne Williamson.  Mom had written several notes pertaining to Williamson’s book, but she had also written several prayers on empty spaces in the paperback.  On the inside front cover was written a prayer from St. Teresa of Calcutta.  I find it so meaningful, especially following the canonization of this amazing saint.  The prayer is as follows:

The fruit of silence is PRAYER

The fruit of prayer is FAITH

The fruit of faith is LOVE

The fruit of love is SERVICE

The fruit of service is PEACE.

This can serve as a wonderful meditation for us.  It should be something for us to contemplate and live by.  I have questions about the last line, as we are told that Mother Teresa lived a life of darkness.  I wonder how much peace she found.  Despite her untiring service, she continued to struggle.  However, she has found peace resting in the arms of her Lord.  May we all find peace through our service and our faith.

I know that my Mom has found peace, and I thank God for her notes!

Last Updated on Tuesday, 27 September 2016 22:38
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