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A meditation without a practical resolution is an empty meditation. - Emmanuel d'Alzon
ASSUMPTIONIST EMAIL NEWSLETTER El Paso Edition, December 10, 2021
Bishop Seitz visits Assumptionist Migrant Shelter in El Paso
Welcome to our newest installment in a series of e-Newsletters devoted to our foundation in El Paso (previous installments available here). Read on for updates and ways to get involved in this important work of meeting the spiritual and material needs of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico Border.
Bishop Seitz visits our Migrant Shelter in El Paso

Fr. Marciano Lopez Solis, A.A., with Bishop Seitz in the Migrant Shelter housed at St. Francis Xavier Parish
The burning sands will become pools, and the thirsty ground, springs of water …
And the ransomed of the LORD shall enter Zion singing, crowned with everlasting joy. They meet with joy and gladness … sorrow and mourning flee away. (Isaiah 35: 7, 10)
On Tuesday, December 7th, St. Francis Xavier Parish received a visit from Bishop Mark Seitz, the bishop of the Diocese of El Paso. Bishop Seitz is a strong supporter and initiator of the work being done with migrants throughout the diocese. You can read his most recent pastoral letter on the topic, “Sorrow and Mourning Flee Away,” here.
He celebrated Mass at the parish, toured our temporary shelter, and encouraged the local Assumptionist community, parishioners and volunteers to continue their work with migrants, applauding them for the example they give to the rest of the diocese. He thanked the volunteers for their hard work and assured them of the diocese’s support.
In his 2017 pastoral letter, Bishop Seitz wrote the following words: “To Our Migrant Brothers and Sisters, We Stand With You! As your bishop, I pledge my commitment to stand with you in this time of anxiety and fear. I promise to hear you, celebrate with you, break bread with you, pray with you and weep with you. You possess a dignity that no earthly law or court can take away. Your families enrich our community and strengthen our parishes. Your perseverance, dedication and enthusiasm for a better future renew our hope. In this time of trial, remember that our one hope is Christ, whose grace is sufficient for us and whose power is perfected in weakness (cf. 2 Cor. 12:9). Know that the Church of El Paso is with you, defends and affirms your human dignity, and advocates for your rights.”
The migrant shelter work continues
Felipe, one of the leaders of our shelter, takes down the information of the migrants entering the shelter
Two months ago, we welcomed our first two groups of migrants at our temporary shelter at the time when thousands of Haitian migrants were entering the United States. These groups had about 50 individuals each, composed mostly of small families. We provided shelter, showers, new clothes, meals, and assistance with transportaion to their next destination.
Due to government regulations and other factors, there was a sudden halt in the flow of migrants that were coming to our shelter. During this time, we were able to evaluate our processes and make changes in order to better serve future groups of migrants.
For example, we have a large amount of clothing donations for migrants that have been donated by various individuals and organizations. This includes clothing for adults, children and babies, jackets, shoes, belts, purses, and backpacks. During this hiatus, we were able to create a clothing request sheet to distribute to each individual or family when they arrive at our shelter, so they can request the items they need along with the size.
Sister Betty, a Daughter of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, is the coordinator of our clothing “shop." She sorts all of the clothing donations we receive.
A few weeks ago, we received news that we would begin receiving groups of migrants again, this time on a regular and continuing basis, starting at the end of November. Last week, the groups began to arrive, with 25 to 50 people in each group.
The migrants that we receive at our shelter are migrants that have gone through the screening process with the government and are legally permitted to stay in the United States while their requests to remain on a more permanent basis within the United States are being processed. This process can take many months or even years.
This is where the work of Catholic and other Christian organizations on the ground in El Paso comes into play. These migrants, who do not speak English and have very limited resources, need assistance identifying and traveling to sponsors throughout the United states - a family member or friend - who will provide for them while their case is being processed. They receive this help along with other basic resources at shelters like ours that are dispersed throughout the city.
This week we received our fifth group of migrants. They are from various countries across Central America, South America, and even Africa, and have suffered much hardship on their journey to the United States. Listening to their stories has been an eye opening and humbling experience. As these groups continue to arrive, we ask for your prayers and any support you can provide so that these migrants may continue to be welcomed as Christ himself.
Fr. Yermo Catholic School students support migrants in their own way
The students at Fr. Yermo School, where Fr. Ron Sibugan serves as chaplain, show their support for the migrant children who pass through our shelter with their creative works of art and encouraging messages.
Celebration of St. Francis Xavier’s Feast Day
Last week we celebrated the feast of our parish patron, St. Francis Xavier, with a special mass and a celebration that involved parishioners and the migrants at our shelter. St. Francis Xavier was a passionate evangelizer who traveled far and wide to share the good news of Jesus Christ. He is also one of the co-founders of the Jesuits.
May this patron saint of evangelization intercede for us as we work to spread God's love in word and deed!
We invite you to check out the following new articles and resources regarding the Church's involvement in the situation of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico Border:
One way you can support our migrant ministry at the U.S.-Mexico border is by sharing these updates with your friends and family on Twitter & Facebook:
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