:: Quote of the Day :: |
A meditation without a practical resolution is an empty meditation. - Emmanuel d'Alzon
Assumptionist e-Newsletter El Paso Edition, April 14, 2021
This is the second installment in a series of e-Newsletters devoted to our new foundation in El Paso (The first installment can be accessed here). Read on for updates and ways to get involved in this important work of meeting the spiritual and material needs of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico Border.
After a year of prayer, patience - and paperwork - we are overjoyed to welcome the third and final founding member of the El Paso Community: Fr. Marciano López Solís.
A native of Mexico with a devotion to marginalized communities and young people, Fr. Marciano is a welcome addition to this community exclusively dedicated to the care of migrants.
With the arrival of Fr. Marciano, our brothers in El Paso are able to more effectively discern, as a complete community, how God is calling them to serve the migrant population in El Paso. We ask for your prayers through this continued discernment process.
Assumptionists prepare temporary shelter for migrants
In March alone, 170,000 migrants arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border, "the largest single-month total in well over a decade." Due to this drastic increase, religious organizations and other nonprofits in El Paso are working in collaboration with the local government to mobilize and convert their facilities into temporary, back-up shelters for those in need of a few nights of shelter before moving on to their permanent places of residence. These facilities will supplement the temporary housing already being made available by the city.
We are delighted to announce that the city has requested our participation in this effort through the use of our parish hall as a possible backup shelter. Due to its large size, it can accommodate up to 25-30 people with social distancing measures in place. The Assumptionists, along with parish volunteers, are working to transform the hall into a space suitable for this purpose. Our goal is to create a place of dignity, welcome and safety for those who have endured so much on their journey to the United States.
We are still "on call," waiting to see when or if our shelter will be needed. The situation at the border is rapidly changing, so we never know what the next day will bring. Through close collaboration with organizations on the ground, especially with the Red Cross, we are working to ensure that we are prepared for this ministry when the time comes. We are also using this time to organize a team of volunteers, clean the hall (here in El Paso, things quickly become covered in dust!), and set up all of the necessary equipment and furniture.
Stay tuned for developments on this important project.
We ask for your prayers, that God may bless the work of our hands as we sweep, disinfect and prepare to welcome as Christ himself those who come to us in their hour of need.
This week's edition of Frontera Dispatch
a "weekly analysis of immigration updates from a uniquely borderlands perspective" provided by the Hope Border Institute.
The Biden administration’s lack of a clear plan to restart asylum at the border is frustrating. While Biden has taken important steps like unwinding Remain in Mexico, cruel policies like Title 42 continue ...
If you would like to mail in a contribution to the New Foundation in El Paso, checks can be made out to "Augustinians of the Assumption" with "El Paso Migrant Ministry" in the memo line and mailed to: Assumptionist Center 330 Market St. Brighton, MA 02135
We thank you for your generosity!
One way you can support our migrant ministry at the U.S.-Mexico border is by sharing these updates with your friends and family on Twitter & Facebook:
© 2005-2021 Augustinians of the Assumption | 330 Market Street, Brighton, MA 02135 Tel. 617-783-0400 | E-mail: info@assumption.us
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