:: Quote of the Day :: |
A meditation without a practical resolution is an empty meditation. - Emmanuel d'Alzon
Assumptionist e-Newsletter El Paso Edition, March 17, 2021
This is the first in a series of e-Newsletters devoted to our new foundation in El Paso. We invite you to keep an eye out for future updates and opportunities to get involved in this important work of meeting the spiritual and material needs of migrants at the US Border.
Fr. Ron and Fr. Peter enjoy a meal with some parishioners while on a short visit to Juarez, Mexico, to pick up the Paschal Candle for the parish.
The situation for migrants is rapidly changing in El Paso and is often complex to understand. We hope that these resources, provided by Fr. Peter Precourt, will help shed light on the current landscape for migration in El Paso.
For those interested in receiving weekly updates on the migrant situation in El Paso, Fr. Peter recommends Frontera Dispatch, a "weekly analysis of immigration updates from a uniquely borderlands perspective" provided by the Hope Border Institute.
This week's edition of Frontera Dispatch
The idea of a border crisis may sell newspapers, but it doesn’t fly for those of us who are doing the work of welcome at the border. The wind-down of the Remain in Mexico program has proceeded smoothly, with a COVID testing and legal support process in place on the Mexican side and plenty of helpful volunteers on the US side to help people get to shelters and then on to their families...
Bishop of El Paso's Letter on Migration
Sorrow and Mourning Flee Away
Four years ago, I came to the Chihuahuan Desert to take up the responsibility given to me by Pope Francis to steward the Church of God in El Paso. I came as a migrant to a community of migrants. Since then, I have seen your works, your faith, your charity and your endurance. I have shared in your challenges: the difficulties of raising a family today, anxieties about the future that tempt our young people, and the loneliness that burdens the old...
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