Augustinians of the Assumption

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An essential condition of prayer is to know the One to whom we address ourselves.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Prayer is the practice of the presence of God. It is the place where pride is abandoned, hope is lifted, and supplication is made. Prayer is the place of admitting our need, of adopting humility, and claiming dependence upon God. Prayer is the needful practice of the Christian. Prayer is the exercise of faith and hope. Prayer is the privilege of touching the heart of the Father through His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:8

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phil. 4:6-7

Father, in Your mercy, hear our prayers.

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  Prayer Request  

"Please pray for financial healing. Thank you"

Prayer Requested By: Wewe, 07-13-2011 - 04:24:02 AM

  Safety; peace; marriage; children  

"for peace and love in my family, in my future in Lebanon, in my work and friend relationships and for a dear future husband and precious children. Amen"

Prayer Requested By: Jackie, 06-29-2011 - 07:09:18 PM

  Fathers healing  

"Please pray for healing, effacious graces, mercy, protection, deliverance, and lasting complete recovery in health of my father George Edward S. in mind (especially from agitation, unrest and fidgeting with his medical equipment), body and soul; especially of his lung and breathing issues, lowering of his c02 levels,proper blood PH, healing of swallowing/eating & drinking, a safe/stable heart rate and blood pressure, prevention of: bleeding, blood clots, kidney/liver problems or failure, aspiration and any kind of infections. Graces, wisdom, and guidance for all his doctors, nurses and caregivers.
The healing/safe recovery of my brother John and nephew Matthew and all the sick especially Marlene, Milton, Louie, Kenneth and mr kelly and all the sick whom we have met or met their families"

Prayer Requested By: George, 06-24-2011 - 10:47:52 PM

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Prayer Requested By: SiCkSUbMand, 06-18-2011 - 10:39:15 PM

  Chase's Conversion  

"My friend, Chase, had until recently been inquiring into the Catholic faith and seriously considering entering the Church. He seemed very close but recently gave up on all inquiry into the faith. Please pray that he will experience a full conversion and find joy in the Eucharist. Thank you!"

Prayer Requested By: Katie, 06-16-2011 - 11:03:14 AM

  объявления 2995  


Prayer Requested By: Mylenefa, 06-09-2011 - 07:17:09 PM

  I don't want to doubt about my faith  

"I confessed my sins. I always thought God always answer depending on the situation of the person\'s life. what i don\'t understand is... if people relate their lives to my situation how can i pray for my life?. i found my life spiritually complicated to pray for myself. i don\'t want to be alone like this. Sometimes i asked what is it that i have that people don\'t let me have a normal life like i used to. i\'m not even rich to sustain something of this big dimension. I don\'t want to keep on living from the spirits only. i need a companion and with that i\'m not saying my dog. i\'m gay and i cannot keep on going to the wrong people. i only have one life and i want to settle. i know God loves me. i don\'t doubt it. It\'s this type of existance in which i\'m involved. i\'m asking for that change. i accept the difficult of my life but i don\'t want to be alone. Pray for me. it\'s not easy from here. i struggle a lot only to hold on to life. i do feel close to God but i need that miracle not just to be saved every time my life is put to be killed which i\'m very thankful for it(i haven\'t done nothing to anyone to live such injustice). i know i can be happy even with the difficult. i ask for compassion, not pity but compassion."

Prayer Requested By: Marianella, 06-09-2011 - 03:30:09 PM

  Prayer Request  

"I request that you pray so that I may get a job and support my family."

Prayer Requested By: Rony Joseph, 06-09-2011 - 02:14:31 PM



Prayer Requested By: ALPHA, 06-02-2011 - 02:29:18 PM


"Please, pray:
That Our Lord God strength the relationship between Dejan M. and me!
That our love will grow stronger day by day and that we always place God in the center of our lives!
Thank you for all your prayers
Praying for you

Prayer Requested By: Katarina, 06-02-2011 - 08:03:43 AM
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