Augustinians of the Assumption

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An essential condition of prayer is to know the One to whom we address ourselves.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Prayer is the practice of the presence of God. It is the place where pride is abandoned, hope is lifted, and supplication is made. Prayer is the place of admitting our need, of adopting humility, and claiming dependence upon God. Prayer is the needful practice of the Christian. Prayer is the exercise of faith and hope. Prayer is the privilege of touching the heart of the Father through His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:8

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phil. 4:6-7

Father, in Your mercy, hear our prayers.

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"I fervently pray that God will help me to find a good husband and to make more friends. I pray I do not die an unprovided death and that I make it to Heaven. Amen."

Prayer Requested By: Leah B., 12-04-2011 - 06:00:27 PM

  Prayer Request for Grandparents  

"Please pray for my grandmother, Nancy, who was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. Also, my grandfather, Vern, who suffers from Alzheimers."

Prayer Requested By: Adam, 11-30-2011 - 05:28:48 PM

  My discernment  

"that i may found peace of mind and heart, to answer God\'s call.that i may listen to what my herat speaks, and hear clearly and may able to response to His call.that i may be pot of confusion and find my way exactly to what He says."

Prayer Requested By: Elmer, 11-21-2011 - 08:49:06 AM

  Prayer Request  

"pray for my family becasue we are having a hard time with money."

Prayer Requested By: Bill, 11-10-2011 - 03:16:49 PM


"Please, pray:
That Our Lord God strength the relationship between Dejan M. and me!
That any barriers between us will be removed permanently and that we may have a lifetime of happpiness and love together!
Thank you for all your prayers
Praying for you
Katarina from Belgrade in Serbia"

Prayer Requested By: Katarina, 11-10-2011 - 08:44:27 AM

  My Priestly vocation.  

"O! God help me in my Priestly vocation. I\'m 24yrs doesn\'t mean dat I cant be called to serve you in your vine yard. I have applied to some congregation. My friends told me that I\'m above the required age of religeous life. I\'m sure that I can serve u well as a Priest regardles of age. Hear me o! Lord."

Prayer Requested By: Eze John Tobechukwu J., 11-02-2011 - 07:29:11 AM


"I am fervently praying to the Lord that this new medication my doctor prescribed for me will benefit me and will give me no bad side-effects whatsoever. Amen."

Prayer Requested By: Leah B., 10-22-2011 - 05:32:05 PM

  Ruined Life  

"I am nearly 53 years old, and I have lost almost 16 years of my life due to illness. Because of this, I am where I am today -- Poor and on the public dole. I would love to get off the dole, to make some serious money and to have security in my old age. However, the obstacles to me doing so are formidable, just horrendous. For this reason, I am convicted it will take a miracle of God in order to help lift me out of poverty, so that is exactly what I am praying for. I pray for guidance, strength, courage, confidence, wisdom, discernment, faith in myself and in God, to get my \"fight\" back, and for doors opened and miracles from and by Jesus. I also pray that when Jesus opens up a door for me, I will have the good sense and the courage to walk through it. Amen."

Prayer Requested By: Leah, 10-14-2011 - 12:47:25 PM

  Bad Dental Problems  

"I am fercently praying for a miracle cure for my severe gum recession and for my three back teeth If this is not God\'s will, then at least halt the recession permanently, do not let the gums bleed or thin out, forever stop any more loosening and/or spacing and/or shifting of my teeth, let there be no tooth decay and no recurrence of the gum disease. As far as the three back teeth are concerned, I pray that the worst-case scenario with them is that they require refilling. One of these teeth is amost all filling with just this thin strip of real tooth on the side. I am praying that if it is needed, my dentist is able to refill that tooth. I am begging God on my hands and knees, begging, that I do not lose a single tooth and that my teeth do not get all sticking out and funny looking. I am also begging God that it costs me little or nothing in order for me to be able to keep all of my teeth. I pray for a lowering of my bad cholesterol. I pray that God will help me to find a good husband and to make more friends. I pray for a mega, mega, mega-increase in self-esteem and self-confidence. I pray that this computer I am working on has absolutely nothing wrong with it, no viruses, no spam, nothing. I pray that this very stupid thing I did a while back does not inconvenience my sister or her family in any way. I pray that I conquer my utter terror of driving and become an excellent driver. Amen."

Prayer Requested By: Leah B., 10-14-2011 - 12:39:59 PM

  Wife's illnes  

"Please pray for my wife Melissa, struggling with lupus. She is a dynamic 37 year old principal of an elementary school, a part-time actress and a great mother. The lupus is beginning to rob her of her energy and constrict her life and is threatening her kidneys. Help her, and me, to face this challenge with love and courage and faith."

Prayer Requested By: Joe Earls, 10-06-2011 - 08:25:01 AM
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