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A meditation without a practical resolution is an empty meditation.
- Emmanuel d'Alzon

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Prominent Assumptionists
Fr. WILFRID DUFUALT, A.A. (1907-2004) PDF Print E-mail

Fr. WILFRID DUFUALT, A.A. (1907-2004)PROMINENT ASSUMPTIONIST Fr. Wilfrid Dufault was the fifth superior general of the Assumptionists and the first non-Frenchman. He was born in Spencer, Massachusetts, son of Etienne and Alma Dufault, and educated in local schools before transferring to Assumption Preparatory School and Assumption College. He entered the Assumptionists in 1929, pronounced his perpetual vows in 1933, and was ordained a priest in 1934. After receiving a licentiate in theology from the Pontifical Institute "Angelicum" in Rome, Fr. Dufault began teaching philosophy at Assumption College. Upon completion of further studies at Laval University, he returned to the College to teach for another seven years before being named the first Provincial Superior of the North American Province of the Assumptionists.

Last Updated on Friday, 15 April 2011 10:28
FR. BRUNO CHENU, A.A. (1942-2002) PDF Print E-mail

FR. BRUNO CHENU, A.A. (1942-2002)PROMINENT ASSUMPTIONIST Fr. Bruno Chenu, who died suddenly in 2002, was considered to be one of the most respected theologians in France at the time of his death. Theologian, professor, and journalist, he had a special impact in the area of ecumenical dialogue.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 05 April 2011 11:50
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