Fr. Ron brings his love for young people to El Paso, TX Print


As Assumptionists, it is our vocation to serve God and mankind by dedicating ourselves to education in all its forms. We believe that individuals are formed into the image of Christ through a deep and holistic education and are thus able to transform the world and bring Christ to others in the freedom of the children of God.

This focus on education is a visible part of our new mission in El Paso, TX, where Fr. Ron Sibugan has been appointed chaplain of Fr. Yermo High School, a ministry of the Sister Servants of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and of the Poor. In a providential connection to our founder, Emmanuel d’Alzon, the school’s mission is to:

provide the poor with a solid education and Catholic principles in a climate of essential values, joyfulness, and merciful love in order to affirm their human dignity. The aim of this education is to prepare students to achieve and to become driving forces in the transformation of society.

As Chaplain, Fr. Ron will celebrate Masses for the school community, provide pastoral care to students and staff, and lead some hikes and other activities with the students. Having spent six years as a Campus Minister at Assumption University, Fr. Ron brings a strong background in campus ministry and his love for young people to this new role.

We are excited for this new partnership and believe that it will strongly complement our main apostolate to migrants and refugees.

