DIARY OF THE CHAPTER - May 20, 2011 |
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The “Diary of the Chapter” has already presented to possibilities for the new territorial organization of the Congregation and the method put in place to implement them. (See edition no 4, May 18) Here are the main results. The only immediate change is for the creation of the Province of Europe formed of the actual Provinces of Spain, North Europe and France. The change will take place progressively: By September 30, 2014, the latest, the new Province will have all its institutions and powers in place. In the meantime, the former Provinces maintain their Provincials and Counsels. A Counsel, composed of the Provincials of Europe and one religious from each Province, will be charged with advancing the process: elaborating orientations and common statutes, preparing a constitutive Provincial Chapter, etc. The reorganization of the rest of the Assumption will evolve in view of a continental configuration. Here are the major recommendations for each. For Africa and Madagascar: make full use of existing areas of collaboration (foundations, formation, sessions and retreats); taking into account economic, cultural and linguistic disparities, create new Vice-Provinces and Regions, include West Africa in this process. For North America: elaborate new statutes for the Province and the regions in order to favour greater unity; associate the Philippines in the process of the unification of Asia; For South America: Evaluate recent common realisations; organize gatherings for the young religious, elaborate common policies (formation, education, parish ministry); encourage training in both languages. For Asia: The Superior General will name a special delegate to provide support in the process; cooperation and collaboration in common projects; better awareness of an Asian Assumption. Download: ![]()
Last Updated on Monday, 23 May 2011 09:55 |