Good and Faithful |
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Throughout the gospels we are called upon to do many things and to be many things. We are asked to be like little children (Luke 18:17); we are prompted to be cheerful givers (2Corinthians 9:7); and we are asked to forgive (Luke 6:37). In the gospel for the Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, we are asked to use our talents wisely. In Matthew’s gospel (25:14-30), we hear about the parable of the man who gave his servants some talents. Two of the servants took those talents and multiplied them. The third servant buried the talent out of fear and returned it to his master as it was given. What does this parable say to us? Do we use the gifts God has given us? Do we live in fear and not develop what is in us? Do we nurture the talents that we have, celebrating them as gifts from God? It would benefit us to re-read this gospel and to really ponder its meaning in our lives. The best part of this gospel is when the master responds to those servants who multiplied their talents. He says: “Well done, my good and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities. Come, share your master’s joy.” (Matthew 25:21) What a great thing to be called a “good and faithful servant!” Isn’t that what we are all striving for? We want to be faithful servants of the Lord. We want to share in the joy of God’s love. This gospel reading reminds me that I must be ever-cognizant of my talents and to use them well---to use them for the glory of God. This isn’t always easy but the easy path isn’t always the best path. As I reflect on this gospel, I am also reminded of the special people we are celebrating this week. I would be remiss if I did not mention them. In fact, I think this gospel directly applies to our VETERANS. In many ways, they are “good and faithful servants.” They use their talents and skills for the good of our country. Many have given their lives while using these talents. We should honor and acknowledge them, especially during this week. Through their dedicated service, many have already attained a “share in the joy of God’s love.” God bless our veterans! ![]()
Last Updated on Monday, 10 November 2014 12:24 |