Taking the path of Hope with Mary - Eight Day |
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MISSION The Church that manifested itself at Pentecost is essentially missionary. By the power of the Spirit, the first Church grew and was shaped, built up by the Word and the Eucharist, but the Church continues to be born daily in the faithful heart of Our Lady. She is born in the contemplative silence of Mary, given flesh by the Word to be contemplated. Mission demands from ardor and transparency from one who gives testimony, fidelity and courage from the prophet, serene strength from the martyr. Because of this, mission demands contemplation, interior coherence, and serenity before the cross.
Prayer Father, through your liberating Spirit, you trans formed the apostles. Through Mary’s intercession, spread out this same Spirit on your Church praying for the world. May she be today the sign of a new freedom, through Jesus Christ, Our Lord.