Taking the path of Hope with Mary - Fourth Day Print


Mary’s attitude of service appears, above all, in the wedding at Cana. Mary, “the contemplative,” is the first one to discover the problem of the young couple and she involves herself in their service. “They have no more wine.” “Do whatever He tells you.” These words of Our Lady, born from her deep faith in her Son and from a delicate love for the young couple, express the realism and fecundity of contemplation. It is always like that – when contemplation is real, it creates in us a great aptitude for service. Only contemplatives have this special capacity to immediately discover the problem of others, the inexhaustible capacity for giving.

Mary’s service, through the mysterious detachment of her whole life, goes up to the generous gift of her son for the evangelization of men and women and as an offering of reconciliation to the Father.


God of Love, You made a humble woman of our race to be the mother of your Son, through Mary’s intercession, grant us to recognize the Christ in each of our brothers and sisters and live serving one an other until that day when together, we shall sing your praise forever and ever.